
Teeth Whitening in Kolhapur

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Teeth Whitening

If you are conscious of your teeth every time you smile or try to hide your yellow teeth, teeth whitening is just the treatment for you. Teeth whitening can help you achieve a brighter and whiter set of teeth. Here are a few of the questions commonly asked by our patients about teeth whitening.

How can teeth whitening help?

Teeth whitening is a process that will brighten and lighten your teeth's shade. It will help you remove the stains from the surface of the teeth and restore their natural color or even make them whiter.

What causes stained teeth?

There can be many reasons for stained teeth or yellow teeth. For some people, their natural teeth might not be bright white but more pearly white. But your habits can affect the color of your teeth. For example, if you drink tea and coffee, it can cause you to have stained teeth. Lifestyle choices such as chewing tobacco and smoking can also affect the color of teeth.

How much white will my teeth become?

The effect of teeth whitening depends on the initial condition of your teeth. If your teeth are not yellow, to begin with, you might not see much visible difference. But if you have stained teeth, the difference will be visible. Usually, your teeth can become up to 3-4 times whiter after the teeth whitening treatment.

How long will the result last?

The effects of teeth whitening can last up to a year. But this depends on how you take care of your teeth. If you follow a good oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist every six months, the effect of the treatment will last longer.

Can teeth whitening harm the teeth's enamel?

Teeth whitening is a safe procedure when done by a dentist. It will not do any harm to your teeth. Your teeth can feel a bit sensitive after the treatment, but it is temporary.

Is teeth whitening expensive?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure. Though cosmetic procedures can be expensive, the cost of teeth whitening is affordable.

Everyone wants beautiful white teeth. If your desire is to have a smile that will give you the confidence to smile freely, visit our dental experts for teeth whitening at Infinite Smile. Book your appointment today.