
Wisdom Tooth Removal in Kolhapur

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Wisdom Tooth Removal

The eruption of a wisdom tooth is a classic sign that you are becoming an adult. The wisdom tooth usually erupts between the age of 17 and 28. Wisdom tooth eruption can be painful, but the pain will go away when the wisdom tooth fully erupts. But sometimes, the wisdom tooth might not be able to come out and might need extraction. Here are a few questions that our patients frequently ask about wisdom tooth extraction.

What is the need for wisdom tooth extraction?

A wisdom tooth extraction is needed when there is not enough room for the tooth in your mouth or is impacted. It can also cause infection as the food particles get stuck in the gums.

Does it hurt to remove the wisdom tooth?

The procedure of wisdom tooth removal takes place under local anaesthesia. Before removing the tooth, your dentist will numb the area, and you won't feel any pain. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, inform your dentist, and they will take necessary action.

Is it necessary to remove a wisdom tooth?

No. Wisdom tooth removal is required if the tooth is impacted or infected or if there is no space for the tooth in your mouth. To know whether you need wisdom tooth removal, visit our dental experts.

Is there any risk or side effects of wisdom tooth removal?

Mostly there are no side effects or risks in wisdom tooth removal. But similar to surgery, there are rare incidences of complications such as infection due to lodged food particles or loss of blood clot causing bone exposure.

When should I visit or call my dentist after wisdom tooth removal?

You should visit or call your dentist if you have any of the following conditions.

  • excessive bleeding
  • fever
  • pain even after taking medication
  • Blood or pus in the tooth socket
  • swelling that worsens even after 2-3 days

Can I go back to work after wisdom tooth removal?

Wisdom tooth removal uses sedation. Also, it is better to have someone accompany you after the removal because it can take some time for the effects of anaesthesia to wear off.

If you have wisdom tooth pain, it is better to consult the dentist to see if the tooth is erupting fine or needs wisdom tooth extraction. To know more about wisdom tooth extraction, consult our dental experts at Infinite smile Kolhapur.